Dr. David Edwards, an inventor and biomedical engineer, made his fortune in the 90s in aerosol re-engineering that changed the way medicines were delivered. Might sound dry, but this creator (oh, and current Harvard University prof) was always a dreamer and used his early training in a very imaginative way.
Dr. Edwards created Le Laboratoire in 2007 in Paris as an environment that would spark new sorts of collaborations across art, science, and commerce. In it, a little white vapor has become Dr. Edwards’ latest creation.
In a unique coupling of science and food, Edwards has created a molecular gastronomy like no other…a whaf. Now I am sure you are wondering what a whaf is. Whaffing utilizes ultrasound technology to create pressure waves that produce a vapor interspersed with droplets. Basically, you “sip” from a smoke-filled glass to taste your food.
Le Whaf is the first of Edwards’ innovations. There’s also Le Whif, a calorie-free chocolate, and its caffeine sister, AeroShot. Then there’s this little doozie: Le Wahh, a spray that gives the impression of intoxication for an instant, co-created with French designer Philippe Starck.
Edwards believes molecular gastronomy is not a passing fad but here to stay, so much so he is bringing his products to the commercial market.
You can read more here:
The Lab: Creativity and Culture by David Edwards (Harvard University Press 2010).