I invite you to join me as I host/moderate an event at my studio, this Thursdaynight 10/6/16. I anticipate it to be both super cool and exciting.
The event is called "Celebrating the Intersection of Art & Technology,” and will be a 1 hour panel discussion with industry luminaries from Adobe and Industrial Light and Magic to talk about what’s happening in design, art and the entertainment industry, all under the shell of technology.
You can read more about it here:
If you’ve had any burning questions about the legacy of Star Wars (as a production or portfolio asset), or are interested to learn about what most people think of as the most ubiquitous piece of creative software ever made, please join us!
Here are all the details:
Caren Alpert Photography
2475 Third Street #308
San Francisco, CA 94107
6:30-8:30 pm (mingling for first and last 1/2 hour, panel starts at 7:30pm)
$10 (tax deductible donation), free for UA alumni members
Light appetizers and drinks will be served, along with great conversation
Advance registration requested, but not necessary.
Email/RSVP to Caren with any questions: caren@carenalpert.com