Robert Grieves recently created a fun short film on sausage. SAUSAGE, the multi award winning and Oscar long-listed animated short film was picked by “Short of the Week” and “Cartoon Brew”, as well as Vimeo’s “Staff Pick”.
Grieves describes the film as this: [A] retro animation [that] introduces us to two artisan stallholders whose idyllic world is invaded by a devious fast-food vendor. The ferocious turf war that follows provokes life-changing events that result in one deliciously sourcey discovery!
It seems that sausage is making a popular revival. Actor Ashton Kutcher created a short film for his Thrash Labs label as an homage to the butcher shop. And for San Francisco Magazine I was commissioned to photograph a tasty meat mecca, The Fatted Calf—located here in Hayes Valley. Here are a few shots of The Fatted Calf.
© Caren Alpert Photography
© Caren Alpert Photography
If you are interested in learning more about this hearty sustenance, you can review the following: