My monthly infographic blog post is usually “industry” related, with a focus on food or technology or food photography. This month I’m veering away from that a bit into something that is close to my heart.
I sit on the board for Young Audiences of Northern California (YANC), which is a non-profit in the Bay Area (but also part of a national network) to bring art to students in classrooms, where funding cuts have decimated art education. The research surrounding the importance of art in the classroom is unassailable and crucial to the development of young minds. Art has such a positive impact on students that it’s heartbreaking to me to see this loss in schools.
It has been proven that students who engage in the arts outperform those without art in their lives. They also exhibit more “pro-social” behavior and are more likely to take on leadership roles. Additionally, the arts help develop 21st Century skills that make students more marketable in the workplace, such as innovation, communication and critical thinking.
Last year, YANC served 23,000 K-12 students with music, dance, theater, visual, and literary art education; most of whom were in public schools. However, the organization wants to reach even more students this year and has started an Indiegogo campaign to accept donations.
Coincidentally, Young Audiences just made their first official infographic, so I couldn’t help but to share it with y’all. 😉
You can read more about YANC here.
You can help fund the good work they are doing here.
You can see a full version of the infographic, courtesy Young Audiences, here.
Infographic courtesy of Young Audiences