In Person Portfolio Review
Back in 2011, armed with my first set of terra cibus prints, I attended the PhotoLucida Portfolio Review in Portland, OR. This bi-annual event is designed to bring together photographers with “gallery owners, curators, critics, collectors and publishers representing small, mid-sized, and major venues from all over the US and abroad to review work.” Over a five day period, I sat down and met with industry leaders to expose my new series.
During a break out session, I met up with a well-known photo editor named Mike Davis. A photo editor extraordinaire! to the likes of National Geographic, the White House, and many leading newspapers, as well as Newspaper Picture Editor of the Year (twice!). Mike loved my series, and suggested I contact a friend of his at NPR in Washingtong D.C. As a result of this connection, whereby his referral led to a story being published about my fine art work, the series went viral. Hits on my website skyrocked to over 90,000 visits in one day, alone.
Thus, my heart will always hold a special place for Mike, as he gave me the push and encouragement I needed to get my work out there. He recently sat down with the Alexia Foundation to answer their questions about his long career and the evolution from photographer to photo editor. You can read the entire article here:
PhotoLucida also holds an annual Critical Mass. The aim of the Critical Mass, and all Photolucida programming, is to “provide participants with career-building opportunities and to promote the best emerging and mid-career artists working today.” The panel chooses the top 200 emerging photographers, and puts their work in front of more than 200 jurors. An exhibition is given to the top 50, with other recognitions along the way. You can read more about Critical Mass 2014 here.
The next Portfolio Review will be in April, 2015.
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