Christmas Food Around the World — Food, Portrait & Interiors Photographer | SF & NYC | Caren Alpert Photography

Christmas Food Around the World

Christmas Food Around the World

Great British Chefs hasput together this infographic for the winter holiday season to highlight Christmas foods enjoyed across the world.  According to them, a golden roast turkey is the choice of consumption for the blokes in Britain.

One of the most interesting special foods can be found in Greenland.  They eat an arctic bird called the Kiviak for the holiday season.  But the traditional way of cooking this bird is to bury it whole in seal skin for several months.  This begs the question….Is it possible there are other cultures who start planning for Xmas before Halloween, like us crazy Americans?

A choice that may leave many of us in the USA scratching our heads is the most popular meal on Christmas Eve—Kentucky Fried Chicken!  I thought the Colonel looked a little like Santa!

And the country that gets the trophy on accuracy for “truer words were never spoken” would be Germany.  They call Christmas mean “Dickbauch.”  This literally translates to “fat stomach.” 😉

Some interesting information can be gleaned from this image—take a look at the traditions the girls partake in the Czech Republic!

Christmas food around the world




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