If you are like me, you probably sketch from time to time, or possibly even a lot more.
Just because I take pictures, that doesn't mean I'm not on the hook to story-board my thoughts (for my own edification) or for the purposes of a client approval on a photo concept.
I also happen to have a soft spot for handmade books. (I once even took a class on bookmaking at the Art Center in Pasadena).
No matter what your medium, if you like either, then you might be keen to know about this really cool project, making it's way from Brooklyn to SF, and many stops in between.
It's called The Sketchbook Project and anyone can participate. The idea of having traveling sketchbooks is a pretty neat concept, but to have your piece in the permanent collection at the Brooklyn Art Library is quite enticing!
July 26th - 28th, SF (Center For the Book)